The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Panel Costs (Ontario)
Dean Emerick
January 14, 2023

Are you curious about the cost of solar panels in Ontario? Wondering if it's worth it to switch to solar energy? You're not alone. In this article, we'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about solar panel costs in Ontario. Read on to learn more!
How much does it cost to install solar panels in Ontario?
It costs $2.91 per watt to install a solar panel in Ontario. A 6 kW solar system with approximately 6000 watts will cost about $12,460, after the $5000 grant available through the Canada Greener Homes Grant program is applied. Solar panels are a great way to save money on your electricity bill, and they are also good for the environment.
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Is it worth installing solar panels in Ontario?
As the cost of energy rises and the urgency to address climate change grows, more and more people are turning to solar power. In Ontario, there are a number of solar incentives that make installing solar panels an attractive option. The Canada Greener Homes Grant program offers a $5000 grant towards your solar system and the option to receive up to a $40,000 interest-free loan to finance the project. In addition, the government of Ontario offers net-metering agreements for solar owners to receive credits for the excess energy they produce. With these financial incentives, it's no wonder that solar panel installations are on the rise in Ontario.
How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves in Ontario?
In Ontario, it takes around 8-10 years for solar panel systems to pay for themselves. That’s because the province has a generous net-metering program that credits solar panel owners for the electricity they generate. But even without the program, solar panels would still eventually pay for themselves through savings on your energy bill. So, if you’re considering making the switch to solar, rest assured that it will pay for itself.

How many solar panels do you need to run a house in Ontario?
In order to determine how many solar panels you need to power your house, you need to know your average daily kWh consumption and what percentage of that you want to offset with solar. An 8 kW system will offset 100% of the average daily consumption for a home in Ontario. The average home in Ontario uses about 32 kWh per day, so an 8 kW system would require twenty 400 watt panels installed to cover the entire power needs of the house. However, the number of panels you ultimately need depends on a variety of factors specific to your situation.
Can solar power run an air conditioner?
Yes, it's possible to use solar power to run an air conditioner, but doing so may require a bigger, more expensive system. While this will initially be a more expensive investment, it will save you money in the long run by dramatically reducing your energy costs. A grid-connected solar power system is the best type to have because the output from a solar system can be inconsistent, and you don't want your air conditioner running directly on that.
How long do solar panels last in Ontario?
In Ontario, solar panels are warranted for a minimum of 25 years. This means that you can expect your panels to produce enough electricity to offset your energy consumption for at least two decades. Of course, solar panels in Ontario are designed to withstand the elements and often last even longer than their warranted lifespan. With proper maintenance, your solar panels could continue to produce clean, renewable energy for many years to come.

What are the 2 disadvantages of solar energy?
The two main disadvantages of solar energy have been up-front cost and the space required for installation. To some, they also don't look so good. But they do increase the lifespan of your roof. Until recently, solar panels have been expensive to manufacture but advancements in technology, price drops, and government incentives are making it cost-feasible for a lot more families than ever before.
What happens after you pay off solar panels?
After you pay off solar panels, you essentially have free energy for the rest of the panels' lives! Solar panels are typically warranted for 25 years, but can last up to decades more than that. That's a long time to save on your energy bill. In addition, any excess energy your solar arrays produce can be sold back to the electric company, providing you with an additional income stream. So not only do you get free energy, but you can also get credit from your solar panels! It's a win-win situation.
Can you sell electricity back to the grid in Ontario?
Homeowners in Ontario with solar panels on their roofs can sign a net metering agreement with their local utility company. This means that when they produce more electricity than they need, the extra power is sent back to the grid and the homeowner gets a credit on their power bill. The credit is usually worth the same as the retail price of electricity, so it effectively offsets the cost of power that the homeowner would otherwise have to buy from the utility.

How much does a 20-panel solar system cost?
A twenty 400 W panel solar system will generate enough electricity to power a home or small business, and the average cost is $23,280. The cost per system watt is $2.91, and the average payback period is 7-8 years. Let us help you find the best solar installer in your area, Get Started Here!
Can a house fully run on solar power alone?
Yes, a house can fully run on solar power alone, given the right system size. In Ontario, an 8 kW system would generate enough power to cover a typical home. This would require around 20 panels if the average panel size is 400 watts. Solar technology has advanced rapidly in recent years, making it a more viable option for powering entire homes. Solar power is an affordable and environmentally-friendly way to get all the energy you need.
Do solar panels cause roof leaks?
Solar panels are not a common cause of roof leaks. In fact, they have been found to be responsible for a longer roof life. The average roof replacement is approximately $5,000-$10,000. Solar panels are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, and they are often installed by professional contractors. If a roof leak does occur, it is more likely to be caused by other factors, such as poor installation or damaged shingles.

Do solar panels need to be cleaned?
Dust, pollen, and bird droppings can all cause a build-up on the surface of solar panels, which can reduce their efficiency. In some cases, it may be necessary to have the panels professionally cleaned. However, in most cases the rain will wash away most dirt and cleaning is not required. However, cleaning your panels, especially after dust storms or heavy snowfall can optimize power production. By taking the time to keep their solar panels clean, homeowners can help to ensure that they are getting the most out of their investment.
What type of roof is best for solar panels?
Almost every type of roof can be used for solar panels, but asphalt shingles are one of the most popular. Asphalt shingle roofs are strong and durable, making them ideal for holding up the weight of solar panels. They are also easy to install and maintain, which makes them a good choice for homeowners who are a bit hands-on. No matter what type of roof you have, the key is to have as much unobstructed sunlight for maximum production.
How to find a reliable solar company in Ontario?
Solr Solvr can help you find reliable solar companies in Ontario and throughout Canada. We research and review all of the solar installers in your area and connect you with several vetted service providers. In addition, we will also provide information on the average solar system cost in your area and how to get solar panels installed efficiently.
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How much energy can we sell to the utility grid?
Homeowners with a solar panel system can generate clean energy and sell it back to the utility grid. Most utilities limit the inverter size to 10 kW, but it is possible to get approval for larger residential systems. This process depends on the utility, but it can be costly to get approval for larger solar systems. The amount of energy that can be sold to the grid is determined by the size of the solar panel system and how much excess power is being generated. If the solar panel system is generating more power than the home is using, then the excess power can be sold to the grid. The money from selling this power can be used to offset the cost of the solar panel system or to lower power bills. A battery system can also be used to store excess power and sell it back to the grid or use it when needed.
How to select a solar installer?
Solar panels are a great way to save on your electricity bill and do your part to reduce your carbon footprint. However, choosing the right solar panel installer is essential to ensuring that your solar installation goes smoothly. When selecting a solar installer, be sure to check reviews and compare prices. It's also important to make sure that the company you select is licensed and insured. Additionally, be sure to have your electrical panel checked by a professional before the installation begins. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your solar installation is handled by a reputable company and that your electricity costs are reduced. But we make it easy.
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How can we reduce our solar panel cost?
The average solar panel installation costs anywhere between $10,000 and $25,000. You can find the best installation company in your area on Solr Solvr by using our Free Quote Generator where you can get an idea of your overall cost before committing. We will connect you with up to 3 verified installers who are available in your region.
Commercial Solar FAQs

Are solar panels worth it for commercial buildings?
Solar panels are a great investment for commercial buildings for a number of reasons. First, they provide a significant financial return by reducing energy costs. In addition, they require very little maintenance and have a long lifespan. Finally, solar panels help to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly workplace. All of these factors make solar panels a wise investment for any commercial building owner.
How much does a 10kw solar system cost in Ontario?
The average cost of a 10 kW solar system in Ontario is $29,100. This system will produce an average of 11,000-15000 kWh per year. Depending on the location of your home and the amount of sunlight it receives, you may be able to produce more or less electricity. Get a Free Solar Quote Here!
Is there a difference between commercial and residential solar panels?
The primary difference between residential and commercial solar systems is size. A typical residential solar system contains 20-25 solar cells, while a commercial system will have many more.
Can you put solar panels on a commercial property?
Yes, solar panels can be installed on commercial property. Solar panels can help reduce the amount of electricity the property consumes from the grid, and they can also create an income stream by selling excess electricity back to the utility company. In addition, solar panels can help to improve the property's resale value and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

What is the lifespan of a commercial solar panel?
Most commercial solar panels have a lifespan of 15-20 years. However, this is only an average - some panels may last longer while others may need to be replaced sooner. The lifespan of a solar array will depend on many factors, including the quality of the materials used, the manufacturing process, and the conditions under which the panel is used. In general, solar panels that are well-made and well-maintained will last longer than those that are not. With proper care, it is not uncommon for solar panels to last 25 years or more.
Why don't businesses install solar panels?
Solar panels are a great way for businesses to reduce their reliance on traditional forms of energy and save money on their energy bills. However, the initial cost of installing solar panels can be prohibitive for many businesses. Additionally, the return on investment (ROI) for solar panels can be slow, taking several years to recoup the initial investment. Until recently, businesses have shied away from solar energy, opting instead for less expensive forms of energy. However, with government incentives and advances in technology, the cost of solar panels is falling rapidly, making them an increasingly attractive option for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money.
How many solar panels are needed for a commercial building?
On average, a medium business using an average amount of electricity will need 70 standard solar panels to generate a large portion of its power. This number can vary depending on the size and energy usage of the building, but it is a good starting point for those considering switching to solar energy.
Can businesses write off solar panels?
Solar panels are a great way for businesses to save money on energy costs, and they can also be written off as business expenses. Solar panels can be expensive to purchase and install, but the long-term savings on energy costs more than make up for the initial investment. Canadian businesses can benefit from up to a 30% tax credit on their solar installation and the accelerated capital cost allowance for clean energy systems.
What is the average size of a commercial solar system?
Commercial solar panels are larger than residential solar panels. They typically have 72 to 98 PV solar cells, and the average panel size is larger. The size of an array is designed according to the available square footage and the electric needs of the facility. Therefore, it is difficult to give a specific number.
How long does it take to install solar panels for commercial applications?
Solar panel installation for commercial applications varies with the size of the project, time of year and demand of installers. There are only so many qualified and vetted installers that we recommend. In most cases, our teams can work around your schedule to ensure that the installation process is as smooth and seamless as possible. After the initial installation is complete, we will provide you with all the information you need to get the most out of your new solar panels.
How do you size a commercial solar system?
Sizing a commercial solar system is relatively straightforward. You simply need to divide your daily kWh energy requirement by the number of full sunlight hours. This will give you the kW output that you need. Of course, there are several factors to consider when sizing a solar system, such as the efficiency of the panels and the amount of shade that they will receive. However, this simple calculation will give you a good starting point. With a little bit of careful planning, you can ensure that your commercial solar panel system is just the right size for your needs.
What is commercial net metering?
Net metering is a billing system that allows commercial customers who generate their own clean energy to offset the overall cost. Under net metering, customers are only charged for the “net” amount of electricity they consume, that is, the difference between the amount of energy generated and the amount of energy consumed. This can help to offset the cost of installing and operating a clean energy system by reducing the customer’s overall electricity & solar system costs. In some cases, it can even result in a credit on the customer’s bill. Commercial net metering is available in many provinces and is an important tool for promoting the use of clean energy.